GenGen Infinite Text Creation Engine

Hey there,
This looks like a one small step here, but it is the start of something BIG for me!
After a few years of inactivity due to life’s battles, I finally sat down to re-code my custom text generator engine GenGen in Apple’s awesome new language Swift.
I am quite happy with the result.
I also re-designed and came up with a creative icon -imo- for it too: combine the shape of the structure of DNA with a regenerate icon, there it becomes an infinity sign ^^
Anyways, it is a simple app, worth to try, since there is no other app on IPhone which can do what it does.
I basically use it at the start of all my projects to brainstorm and find good domain names and project names. Along the way I laugh out loud hard thanks to some random funky text :]
Here you can download GenGen app for FREE on the AppStore. If you want me to improve anything or add a new feature, write a review on the store after your download.
So, what is next?
Chibi Me update of course!