Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!
First of all, I wish the new year brings all of us health so that we can just enjoy every moment of 2013.
Secondly, I hope for myself to be more creative and productive in the new year.
Not only making new games and apps for iPhone and iPad, but also sewing and knitting DIY projects in my free time, designing smart clothes with sensors and leds for my little one, making cute paper crafts for my friends, photo cards for my family, stickers and Chibi Me goodies for Chibi Me fans which I will be posting for sale on my Etsy Shop.
Next, reading books on gamification to improve the fun factor in my apps, getting some drawing courses on Schoolism.com to improve my drawing skills to a level which can be useful for Lucium, creating even cuter stuff and watching more podcasts on iTunes to keep myself uptodate with the technology and the world around me.
Lastly, attending a tai chi class and swimming to be fit enough to survive longer.
I am full of motivation and ideas, so I hope I get enough time for all that I have in mind for the new year!